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Japanese Yoga According to the seasons 2022

For years I’ve been asking myself the question; ‘How can we improve our connection with nature?’. I have the bold philosophy that many of today's major problems (such as depression, burnout, and climate crises) arise because we have lost our connection with nature. I dare say that if we connect better with nature (and therefore also with ourselves), we collectively feel more intrinsic motivation to take good care of nature and ourselves.

During the autumn holidays, I read the book 'Living and working in the rhythm of the seasons' by Jaap Voigt. It describes the Taoist way of life in the rhythm of nature and is part of Chinese/Japanese traditional medicine and philosophy of life. For each month of the year, Voigt describes how you can move with the energy of the seasons in your work and private life.

Since Taoism is the basic philosophy in my classes, and in Do-In yoga, every meridian is associated with a season, I decided to design monthly Japanese yoga & philosophy workshops in line with the cycle of nature. What month is the best to develop new ideas? And when is the best time to release it? When is evaluation important? And how can you support this within your yoga practice every month?

There is a slight difference between the western and eastern seasonal calendars. In the west, we've decided that summer starts on the longest day: June 21. According to the Taoist calendar, summer is at its peak on that day (the day with the most Yang energy). By starting the summer on June 21, we miss the entire build-up of the season. According to the Taoists, the seasons are around the peaks, starting 6 weeks earlier than the western ones. In this philosophy, we can divide each season into three months with their own energy and qualities. The monthly workshops and course classes are always planned at the beginning of these months so that you can practice throughout the month with the associated yoga exercises and the practical Japanese philosophy of life.

Where & when?

In the table below you can see where and when you can follow the classes. If you participate online, you will receive a video in your inbox on the day the new month within the season starts, including the corresponding Japanese philosophy. You can do this video whenever you want, but it's best to do it within the first two weeks of that month.

Video (English)
+ theory (Dutch & English)  
in your inbox 

January 4
February 4
March 4
April 5
May 5
June 6
July 7
August 7
September 7
October 6
November 6
December 5

Samana Yoga Center
Friday evenings 19.00 - 20.30

January 7 
February 4
March 4
April 1 (19.00 - 20.30)
April 29
June 3
July 8
August 5
September 2
October 7
November 4
December 2



Half-year: €90
6 videos (60 minutes per video in English) + theory (in Dutch & English)

Whole year: €160
12 videos (60 minutes per video in English) + theory (in Dutch & English)

Register: Send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and I will send you an invoice and payment link. It is possible to join any time you like and receive the videos and theory of the earlier classes in your mail retroactively.


Samana Yoga Center

Half-year: €150
6 studio classes (of 90 minutes) + 6 online videos (of 60 minutes) + theory

Whole year: €250
12 studio classes (of 90 minutes) + 12 online videos (of 60 minutes) + theory

Register: Send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and I will send you an invoice and payment link. It is possible to join any time you like and receive the videos and theory of the earlier classes in your mail retroactively.